What is the point of saving endangered life-forms, people ask, if there is nowhere for them to live except in zoos?(Goodall, pg.161)
Whenever this question comes to mind about endangered species it always seems to make perfect sense. What is the point of saving a species if they would have to be stuck in zoos for their entire life because their natural environment has been destroyed due to land development. The whole point for a species to be alive is to be apart of its natural environment and be apart of its natural cycle. The idea that a species would be saved having to live in a zoo would not be worth saving. For that particular animal to be stuck in a closed space its whole life is just not fair.
I carry it around the world, for it symbolizes both the indomitable human spirit and the resilience of nature if given a helping hand. (Goodall, pg.164)
This statement alone says a lot concerning the power that we have to restore land that we have demolished. The message behind the leaf that she was given, signifies that there is hope when it comes to the human spirits abilities and the marvelous things that can happen in nature when given some aid. This can be inspiring to us as a whole because this gives hope as to what we can do in order to restore nature and perhaps regain some of the losses that has occurred.
This chemical pollution has led to the destruction of many endangered species' habitats.
Its sad to think that all of the pollutants that we have produced has led to the endangerment of many species. These pollutant have run into waters and streams and have diminished many important species in our environment. It is also good to see though that Goodall has some sort of hope as to the recovery of these bodies of water and certain kind of species. Although there have been many mistakes in the past concerning pollutants. There are many efforts for the cleaning of these contaminated areas. This really gives me a positive outlook on things although their is much more work that will be needed.
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